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FT4GL Glorioso On The Air! “Kinda”

FT4GL Glorioso On The Air!FT4GL Glorioso On The Air! Well, “Kinda

That’s funny. I just pulled the Club Log stats. Don’t even need to explain (.07%). Those that know, know.


I’m thankful for a REAL Ham Radio Operation back in 2009 – FT5GA!


UPDATE! 0515Z – 25/May/2024

.025% now, lol!

FT4GL Glorioso On The Air!

UPDATE! 1245Z – 27/May/2024

Seems one of the N0UN Fan Club clowns couldn’t help themselves bootlegging my call on that lazy, brainless computer scripted text messaging thingy:

FT4GL Glorioso On The Air!

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness” – Oscar Wilde

Ya’ know 3 Hams from North America got through on 20 Meters SSB a couple days ago and I’m in good company as one of 8 from North America that worked FT4GL on 15 Meters SSB yesterday:

FT4GL Glorioso On The Air!

11 North American Hams have worked FT4GL on SSB so far out of 16,202 Q’s (.07%) with NO CW at all.

THIS is where FT8 has taken our hobby. What a shame.

UPDATE! 1512Z – 31/May/2024

96 North American Hams have worked FT4GL on SSB so far out of 25,638 Q’s (.37%) with NO CW at all.

And I see a second Ham didn’t get his text message Q because a N0UN Fan Club member bootlegged my call, again.

FT4GL Glorioso On The Air!

This hobby has gone to shit.


Spread the love!

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8 Responses

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  1. Mike says

    I think it was you who called FT-8 was going to destroy ham radio a few years ago. It appears your right. This isn’t ham radioanymore

  2. Andreas says

    right now it is 0305Z and 20 meters phone is open,,, It is local time 7:05 am sunday sunrise on Glorioso Islands,,, Where is this operator?,,, of course he is on ft8!


  3. Fake Four says

    I think we all know, deep down, that FT8 contacts are lesser. Some of us are just in denial. I used to like FT8 when it was a small part of a balanced breakfast. Big mistake. But now it’s often all you can get, so I take it. With regret.

    I’ve accepted the ensh*tiffication of the hobby is probably irreversible at this point, so I’ve demoted it to a third tier hobby that I only pursue when I have literally nothing else to do.

  4. Alan says

    CW will be gone in 20 years

  5. tesfaye says

    18000 qso 800 ssb they have award for best dx pedition of year now should have award for worst dx pedition of year FT4GL win

  6. Tom says

    Send in the clowns………..I WILL get my revenge in the (kinda) near future.

    Tom KH0/KC0W

  7. The Roadrunner says

    Hams are becoming a bunch of introverted fools… FT8 is perfect for them. Our “devices” are more important than people to talk to and build real relationships… SSB bands are dead to sparse… 1 or 2 signals. Then tune around 14.070- S9 +30 warbling carriers of insanity. CW? Mostly crickets. At least the CWT guys are there sometimes.
    Fake Four, I agree 100%. I’m enjoying my Corvette and may get another Hot Rod. Hiking and fishing around Steamboat Lake is great. Going back to my CB handle… Get a good Cobra for the motorcycle and vette… breaker 19! Roadrunner westbound and down!

  8. ROB SIMPSON says

    I feel very privileged that I actually got a confirmed contact with FT4GL on 20m SSB voice from my mobile station! A lot of effort and many hours trying paid off. Just very lucky I know. Such a small percentage of SSB contacts is a shame. There does not seem to be a solution in sight as many ops that have worked him would of already requested the qsl card for their ft8 contact, will they all be nul and void?
    Personally i like a good chat, i like contests too. Sadly we live in a world where any ‘angle’ to get what you want with the minimum effort is norm. Water will always find the least path of resistance…….
    Rob M0KPD/M

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