By: Rich Moseson, W2VUSome 175 scientists, students, professors, and amateur radio operators from around the world gathered in person and virtually on March 14 and 15 to share research, educate each other, and network at the annual HamSCI Workshop. HamSCI, the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation program, aims to promote collaboration between science, amateur radio, […]
Dozens of amateur radio clubs have made plans to host an ARRL Ham Radio Open House in April. The nationwide event is centered around World Amateur Radio Day on April 18. 2025 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).While we’ve been using radio for well over 100 years, […]
Solar activity reached moderate levels due to an isolated M1.5/1nflare on March 19 at 2040 UTC from Region AR4031. Regions AR4028,AR4034, and AR4035 exhibited slight growth.Region AR4026 re-emerged in the Southwest quadrant. Regions in theNorthwest quadrant, including AR4020, AR4022, AR4025, and AR4031 allappeared to be in a decay phase.No Earth-directed CMEs were detected in available […]
In a Public Notice titled “In Re: Delete, Delete, Delete,” issued on March 12, 2025, the FCC is soliciting public input on any FCC rules in any service that members of the public believe should be deleted or modified “for the purpose of alleviating unnecessary regulatory burdens.” This is the latest in a series of […]
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at minor storm levelsfor March 18, and then from March 27 and 27 all due to recurrentCoronal Hole influences.Solar activity was at low levels. Multiple C-Class flares wereobserved from newly numbered Region 4028. More spots are rotatingaround the Southeast limb that maybe connected to the spot group.The largest […]
SV1GA/A Mount Athos WFWL (Work First Worry Later). Turned on the radio a couple days ago and heard a big pileup for SV1GA/A on Mount Athos. Turned my 173BA... The post SV1GA/A Mount Athos WFWL first appeared on
I Like This DXpedition 9L5A! I'm a Ham Radio operator that stays on top of current DXpeditions (like 9L5A) in this hobby. The post I Like This DXpedition 9L5A first appeared on
FT4GL Automation. So how can it be this automated FT8 operation from Glorioso (FT4GL) has been approved for DXCC? The post FT4GL Automation first appeared on
FT4GL Glorioso On The Air! Well, "Kinda". That's funny. I just pulled the Club Log stats. Don't even need to explain (.0007). Those that know, know! hahahaha! The post FT4GL Glorioso On The Air! “Kinda” first appeared on
Cure for stray RF on my signal. And here's the $10 permanent fix: Also works on decoupling magnetic field hum from a pole pig transformer in a linear amplifier. The post Cure For Stray RF On My Signal first appeared on
DXer vs. TXTer. They are not the same. Dom, T32TT calling N0UN on "Phone" from East Kiribati: (video). Guess this picture says it all: Lazy is, as lazy does. The post DXer vs. TXTer first appeared on
Yaesu SP-8 Speaker Replacement. A good sounding, easy to find replacement - the Visaton R10S 4 inch 8 Ohm speaker. Also fits the FPS-101 and SP-101. The post Yaesu SP-8 Speaker Replacement first appeared on
A friendly reminder for all you Lazy, Mindless, Automated Computer Scripted Text Messengers out there - you want to RR73 the virtues of FT8 from the rooftops The post Ham Radio TXTpeditions first appeared on
When I saw the spot from W3LPL's DX Cluster skimmer for XV9Q, I thought there's absolutely ZERO chance I'd hear Viet Nam on 30 Meters CW at 9:00 AM our local time. But what do I know? The post XV9Q Viet Nam 30M CW first appeared on
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