Solar activity is expected to range from low to moderate levelsthrough March 15. There is a varying chance for R1 or R2 (Minor orModerate) events, and a slight chance for R3 or greater events.Geomagnetic field activity is likely to reach G1 (Minor) levels onFebruary 28, March 9, and March 12 to 14. Active levels arepredicted […]
Robert “Bob” Buus, W2OD, passed away on February 18, 2025. He has served as the ARRL Northern New Jersey Section Manager since 2020. Buus served as an Assistant Section Manager, Emergency Coordinator, and Net Manager prior to his appointment. Buus was born in Minnesota and was first licensed in 1950. He graduated from the University of […]
Due to significant demand, ARRL has expanded the number of available spots for this month’s On the Air Live, an online training session linked to content in the current issue of On the Air magazine. The program quickly reached its original capacity. The live event will be hosted by ARRL Education Specialist Wayne Greene, KB4DSF.“It […]
Steve Schickel was a young high school student in the late ’80s and was introduced to amateur radio through his electronics classes. He also spent time working at a local RadioShack and watching science fiction movies at a nearby theater in his hometown of Pensacola, Florida.Amateur radio’s next biggest influence on Steve came in 1997, […]
Election results have been finalized in the ARRL Iowa Section. Barry Buelow, WØIY, received 283 votes, defeating incumbent Leilia Garner, WAØUIG, who received 146 votes.Buelow, of Cedar Point, will assume Section Manager duties on April 1. Buelow is a veteran of the United States Air Force and has worked in aerospace engineering. He has served […]
With Solar Cycle 25 still at peak conditions, and several popular contests this time of year, there have been some interesting, if not totally rare, DX opportunities on the HF bands. Spots have been flying on DX club email reflectors this week. VK9XU on Christmas Island, V73WW on Marshall Island, 5N9DTG in Nigeria, KH7AL/KH9 on […]
SV1GA/A Mount Athos WFWL (Work First Worry Later). Turned on the radio a couple days ago and heard a big pileup for SV1GA/A on Mount Athos. Turned my 173BA... The post SV1GA/A Mount Athos WFWL first appeared on
I Like This DXpedition 9L5A! I'm a Ham Radio operator that stays on top of current DXpeditions (like 9L5A) in this hobby. The post I Like This DXpedition 9L5A first appeared on
FT4GL Automation. So how can it be this automated FT8 operation from Glorioso (FT4GL) has been approved for DXCC? The post FT4GL Automation first appeared on
FT4GL Glorioso On The Air! Well, "Kinda". That's funny. I just pulled the Club Log stats. Don't even need to explain (.0007). Those that know, know! hahahaha! The post FT4GL Glorioso On The Air! “Kinda” first appeared on
Cure for stray RF on my signal. And here's the $10 permanent fix: Also works on decoupling magnetic field hum from a pole pig transformer in a linear amplifier. The post Cure For Stray RF On My Signal first appeared on
DXer vs. TXTer. They are not the same. Dom, T32TT calling N0UN on "Phone" from East Kiribati: (video). Guess this picture says it all: Lazy is, as lazy does. The post DXer vs. TXTer first appeared on
Yaesu SP-8 Speaker Replacement. A good sounding, easy to find replacement - the Visaton R10S 4 inch 8 Ohm speaker. Also fits the FPS-101 and SP-101. The post Yaesu SP-8 Speaker Replacement first appeared on
A friendly reminder for all you Lazy, Mindless, Automated Computer Scripted Text Messengers out there - you want to RR73 the virtues of FT8 from the rooftops The post Ham Radio TXTpeditions first appeared on
When I saw the spot from W3LPL's DX Cluster skimmer for XV9Q, I thought there's absolutely ZERO chance I'd hear Viet Nam on 30 Meters CW at 9:00 AM our local time. But what do I know? The post XV9Q Viet Nam 30M CW first appeared on
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