SV1GA/A Mount Athos WFWL (Work First Worry Later)
Turned on the radio a couple days ago and heard a big pileup for SV1GA/A on Mount Athos.
Turned my 173BA 3 element 17M beam and listened for probably 20 minutes before jumping into the fray. An excellent pileup! 10, 15 kHz wide on CW. Fun stuff!
Although they never got very strong here and there was quite a bit of up & down fading, I figured out SV1GA/A’s “pattern” (it’s a secret) and bagged them at 1927Z.
Does it count? Who cares? It counts to me, and that’s all that matters. I don’t care if the ARRL approves it or not. I don’t care if they had permission. I don’t care if they didn’t announce their DXpedition plans to the world. I don’t even care if I get a card as I already have a slew from Monk Apollo SV2ASP/A.
There’s some very distinguished DXpeditioners that operated SV1GA/A – who are you or I to judge their operation? These guys have been on more DXpeditions than 99.9% of the Ham Radio Community – they know the book, they wrote the book – we’re reading their book. I read Internet posts from a clown down under, another in Serbia, even a couple in Greece – they all have their panties in a bunch because THEY don’t think this seasoned group of DXpeditioners have the proper paperwork and/or permissions to operate on Mount Athos. Too bad, they’re there. Misery loves company – grow up. Don’t be the rats you are calling around the Monasteries trying to run them off and ruin it for everybody. Geez…
Speaking of their panties in a bunch – how do you separate the men from the boys in Greece? With a crowbar, bwahahahahahaha! It’s a joke – relax, will ya’?
Anyway, good old CW and SSB pileups, it was good to hear. Even if it was just for a day or two!
Love it. That’s Ham Spirit. WFWL Forever!
DX news reports today the operators went home. The Mt. Athos dxpedition is over. Whoever it was that got this canceled should be blacklisted by fellow Hams. Thousands and thousands of hams have been denied Mt. Athos, again! The way I understand it is YT1AD started the commotion because he was not able to operate there in the past. What a damn shame.
As usual, bang on Wayne! Counts for me too. Great signals on both SSB and CW. Over here on the “Easy Coast”, they were in my log after only a few calls.
YT1AD can suck one
Clown and major jealousy because he didn’t get the permission
It will all come out in the wash that these guys were legal
So spot on… and
They ripped the candy from the “cry babys of the balkans”
There are two kinds of people, those who operate from Mount Athos and those who can just dream to operate from there, we love the first ones. WFWL always!
I fully agree.. Our category is becoming a congregation of envious Award careerists willing to do anything who would even eat the microphone so as not to give way to someone other than HAM spirit.. Shame!